
Public Facebook Pages

We currently have 3 pages that are updated and monitored by the Club. These pages are public, you can see, read view photos here without being a member of Facebook
To comment, like or interact with the the club on one of these pages you will nee to register for Facebook www.facebook.com and then “Like” the relevant page.

Limerick Triathlon Club is listed as LimerickTriathlonClub

Kilkee Hell of the West is listed as KilkeeHelloftheWestTriathlon

We also have a members group on Facebook – search for ‘Limericktriclubmembers’ and request to join

Facebook Feeds on the Website

You will see on the Home page there is a Feed of information which has been posted to Facebook, this appears on the right hand side.
There is also a Kilkee feed on the Kilkee Hell of the West page.